Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Paige-isms from the weekend

As I did with my mother she hates it when I talk about her, so I'm just going to post this for those of you who haven't heard it yet. This way I will still get to tell people the cute and funny things she says and she won't feel weird listening to me talk about her. Here are 2 great stories from this weekend.

Martin Luther King Day
I was trying to give Paige and appreciation of the man, the holiday and why she had the day off of school. And if you know me you know that "justice for ALL" is a big thing with me. I could not agree more with Dr King's statement of judging a man by the content of his character not the color of his skin. And because of certain events in my past it is really important that I teach this lesson to my children. That said, I was telling her about how there were separate schools and separate restaurants and punctuating each of these with "Isn't that CRAZY?!" And Paige would say, "Yeah, that's CRAZY!!" And so when I was finished she said, "So like if we were out to eat with Daddy, because you know-Daddy is kinda black, only let's pretend that Daddy wasn't just kinda black, let's pretend he was all black, and they said we couldn't eat with Daddy, that would be CRAZY!" I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants! I let her know that Daddy isn't black, he's "olive" skinned. But she was exactly right in her example. And I was glad that she got the point of my stories. It's funny the things kids pick up on all on their own though.

The Voices

About 2am Paige came into our room and said she couldn't sleep because all the voices were keeping her awake. Those of you who know the history of Paige and this house know that this isn't first time she's mentioned hearing or seeing other people that the rest of us don't see. And you probably also know that I have my own suspicions and fears about the house so her announcement set me right over the edge. I went back and forth wondering if she was schizophrenic or if she could "see dead people." And I really wasn't sure which one scared me more! The next day I asked her what the voices were saying and she said it was things like, "Wake up Paige…It's time to get up…It's morningtime, you have to get dressed." So it wasn't so much "voices" as it was her own "inner voice" or conscience telling her she needed to wake up. Whew!

She also told my mother in law that I think her house smells! Which of course I don't. It's one of the cleanest places on earth! It does smell of smoke and home made potpourri, but certainly there is no way anyone could ever think it smelled due to lack of cleanliness! Man, that girl is trying to get me in trouble!

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