Tuesday, January 04, 2005

6 Years Today

I can't believe it but it's been 6 years today. It was about 7pm and we were eating pork chops with spinach and getting ready to watch Sleepless in Seattle when it all went wrong. 6 years man! It seems like 20 at least. Sometimes life is really unfair.


Susan said...

That really floors me!!! The other way though, it feels like it hasn't been that long...

I cannot believe it has been six years...I woke up this morning and said "January 4th, now I know that date means something" and then it hit me...but it completely floors me that it has been six years....

I remember feeling really guilty because she kept asking me to bring Avery over so she could meet her (Avery was a baby then) and I kept putting it off, and then it was too late...I will never forgive myself for that......

Suzie said...

Thank you. It helps me that other people remember this day and remember her and are sad for their own reasons. I know it's kind of twisted but it really helps me that other people are sad all on their own, for themselves, not just sad for me. It helps me to know that they loved her too in all her weirdness. Both you and Tracy have told me things like this, things you regret, that I didn't even know when she was alive. But they really help me to learn about them now. Thanks, Soup!

Tracy said...

I didn't see this on your blog until this morning. Hopefully the three of us all showing up at the house last night unannounced was somehow helpful. I am affected by January 4th every year myself, so I was happy to visit and be together and have happy news from Tracy. I know you always say that you miss your mom everyday and not just on certain days whether they are Mother's Day or January 4th or whatever, but I also know that it is unavoidable to have that feeling on that day and remember that awful, unbelievable night. Six years doesn't seem possible. ALL of it doesn't seem possible! And, we do miss her on our own with all her weirdness...some of my favorite thoughts of her that drift in and out of my mind a lot...

-sorting beads with her for her handkerchief scarves for dancing
-moving the mattress with her
-The Tush Push
-Her whole seven hour long talk about her trip to S.C.(?) while we sat in the backroom, waiting for her to breathe!
-her talking to me about getting mashed potatoes at the Ramada
-Her pushing up her red (I think) eyeglasses with the back of her hand when she had something in her hands
-her teaching me and Tracy how to do the Electric Slide 2 on your patio
-her little, little self, we towered over her!
-her little laugh when she made something or got something cute like a craft
-Willie Nelson music
-how we owed her toilet paper from sleeping over
-talking about her garden
-"drink a glass of water if you're hungry.."
-having a turkey sandwich at Dessert at the Callan's
-3 bean salad

I am not sure if you know this, but maybe you'd like to. I have visited her in the past 6 years many times. Jeff and I weren't engaged when she passed away and so I had to tell her (she told me how much she liked him before she passed away) and I let her know when we got married and I have introduced both Katie and Emily to her when they were first born. We are all worse off for not having her in our lives every day. But, she certainly left quite an impression on mine!

I will also raise my coffee this morning, to you, Ellen...I only wish I could use some evaporated milk and really do it justice!! ;)

Suzie said...

You made me cry Cricket and I haven't done that in a while. I had no idea you went there. I have done the same thing, introduced my kids shortly after they were born. Seems silly really but I do. I feel like I'm loosing my memories of her though. I sound like that girl in Beaches, but I am forgetting. I can't picture her saying any of those things you listed. I sort of remember her now as a characterature (sp?) - just the big easy to remember parts of her personality. I feel like I've lost the details. And since she seems so far removed from me I guess that's why I feel like it's been so long. I can almost not imagine her anymore so it must've been a long time ago. Pathetic really.