Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome Lauren Elizabeth!

The newest member of the Clark family has arrived! Cousin Robin and her husband Jeremy had a baby girl this morning, 8lbs 9 oz. I seriously remember when Robin was a toddler the size of Ally, rocking herself to sleep at "Villa Costa Lotta" on Winona Ave. And now she's a mom! The passage of time is an unbelievable thing. But parenthood couldn't have happened to two nicer people. Congratulations to the happy parents, grandparents and new Auntie Kate! And welcome Lauren! You were named after an incredible woman. I'm sure your mom will tell you all about her someday.


Sally said...

Little Robin, rocking back and forth on her knees, AAAAH-YA!

Suzie said...

Yeah I was going to say that too but I took it out. Wondered if it was too embarassing. But I remember it vividly.