Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something has to be done

Why is it that I can buy a bathing suit in February in Connecticut when it is all of 5 degrees outside, but if you're looking for mittens for a child you're SOL??? I mean god forbid some kid loses or outgrows mittens during a winter. But hey, want to buy something that you won't need for another 4 months? We've got it in every conceivable color and style! Grrrrr!!!


Evil Dahlia said...

Oh that's classic! That crap totally pisses me off! And I just love back to school time when it's still pretty warm out and all they sell is long sleeved, fleeced, fur trimmed crap! I guess we're supposed to bundle our kids up like eskimos in September?? And you know the ONE time you buy extra mittens for your kids in CASE they lose them, you'll never need them!

Susan said...

They have them at the dollar store.....$1.00
