Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just another reason why I love my husband

He cleans the cat's butt when she is for some reason unable to do it for herself. Which is surprisingly a lot. She's only 8, but a very unclean cat. In fact the only cat I've ever known that didn't spend it's days cleaning itself. She smells so bad I wouldn't let her in the main part of the house for a day. At night she was in the cellar and during the day she's been outside or on the porch. But tonight is supposed extremely cold and it had to be done. Being pregnant I can't be near the poop end of a cat but also, I wouldn't do that job anyway. And he locks himself in the bathroom with her, requesting paper towels or a cat brush as needed until she comes out soaked and pissed but no longer smelling like poop. Thank god for Chris because you'll never catch me doing that!

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