Sunday, April 27, 2008


She did it! And she did it well!

Auntie Sally volunteered to help teach her since she taught Zach and his friend Eddy to ride their bikes. Of course in her current state of post partum recovery that actually meant Uncle Steve needed to be the one to run behind her. So we dropped off Paige with her bike and helmet this afternoon. Sally said that only 5 minutes after they arrived Steve called and said she was doing it. He called me and said "I thought you said she couldn't ride her bike!" She did so great! He even set up an obstacle course for her and she did wonderfully. So thanks to Auntie Sally for volunteering and making Paige dinner. And thanks to Uncle Steve for taking the time with her. She just needed to be with someone other than her annoying parents I guess. Want to teach her to drive some day? Ha ha! She and I went for a bike ride when she got home and it was so great. Just Mom and Paige out in the world. Can't wait to do it again!


Evil Dahlia said...

Way to go, Paige!! Don't rush the driving lessons! That'll be here way too soon! Enjoy this while you can!! She looks so cute with Uncle Steve, very proud of herself, as she should be!

Sally said...

Sure, I'll teach her how to drive. Ally the daredevil, thats another story! Glad we could help, but I dont deserve any of the credit. I just gave her a pep talk. She did all the work with a little help from Uncle Steve. We all had fun!

Trinity & Brooke said...

Congrats to Paige. She must be so excited! Does she want to come over and teach Trinity? Ha ha.

Driving...oh boy. I can wait for all of them to be doing that.

See you all soon.