Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 11th

Yesterday was "leaf day", as it has come to be known. And my dad even called me and remembered. He said "Well, today is May 10th and that's the day I normally say all the leaves should be out and it looks like summer." And he is right. It does pretty much. Its funny to me that he remembers because this is a man that hasn't lived here in 17 years almost to the date. And although he had lived here for 42 years when he moved away he's forgotten things like where I played softball for 10 years and where the library is. So to remember the date of when the leaves have bloomed is something.

And tomorrow is/would be Katharine Hepburn's 99th birthday. Can you imagine!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday, Kate!! I'm still stunned she didn't make it to 100. If anyone would, I thought it'd be her!