On Saturday my sister Sally, my friend Tracy, Chris and I participated in something in town called "Amy's Amazing Race 2". It was a scavenger hunt to raise money for a memorial fund for a teacher from town who died suddenly last year and was only a year or so older than me. I didn't know her but a lot of people I knew did. She has been Chris' sister's field hockey coach when they were in high school. Anyway, it was an all day event with breakfast and dinner provided, cash bar and karaoke at the end of the day, teams of 4 people and $100 entry fee. We had a blast, and came in 9th out of 17 teams. Which I think is really awesome for our first time out. There was a list of photo items we had to find, then have the pictures developed and presented on a whiteboard for judging. It was intense! These were things like the following:
- picture of all 4 team members in front of all 9 elementary schools (25 bonus points if all 9 were completed)
- picture of 3 team members petting a live cow
- picture of 2 team members with a nun
- picture of 1 team member with Love-A-Lot care bear going down a slide
- picture of all 4 team members in a recreation of the Beatles' Abbey Road album
- picture of 3 team members dressed in scrubs and adorned with medical gear
- picture of 3 team members going through the Wendy's Drive through
- picture of a man, in a dress and bright lipstick in the Gazebo at the town green with the Town Hall in the background...yes, my husband put on my dress!
There were lots of other things we had to gather too like a disco ball, a Xanadu album, a fortune cookie, a candy necklace, size C panty hose, a marriage license, a savings bond, a polish pottery casserole dish, December 2007 issue of Cosmo, Prom pictures of all 4 team members, a Snoopy toothbrush, a Jerry Garcia tie, photocopies of drivers licenses of people born in each decade from the 20s through the 90s with different points associated depending on their difficulty.
And there were things we needed to get at certain times, like a placemat from a restaurant between 11:45 and 12:05 from one of the event judges. (Chris showed up at that one in drag which the judged LOVED!) And we got a lot of points from a basketball shoot out, 4 minutes of repeated shooting - Chris got us 166 points!
Anyway it was for a good cause and really fun. Check out the pics for a good laugh~