Monday, March 07, 2005


The dislike list came out a while ago. Here are some likes:
  1. Sunflowers
  2. Feeling fancy
  3. Feeling pretty
  4. Shopping
  5. Coffee
  6. Tea
  7. Being a mom
  8. Being in my 30s
  9. Old movies
  10. People with common sense
  11. People who understand sarcasm
  12. Snow days
  13. A clean kitchen
  14. Family night
  15. Snuggling with my kids
  16. Feeling intelligent
  17. Driving at night and singing with the girls
  18. Reminiscing
  19. Mocking stupidity (I know it's mean, but it's true!)
  20. Going to the beach with my family
  21. Vacations
  22. Fall foliage
  23. The West Wing
  24. Matthew McConaughey
  25. Breakfast foods
  26. Christmas Eve driving home late at night when it feels magical
  27. Reading
  28. Being right
  29. Clean sheets
  30. The smell of Easter flowers (and I specifically mean tulips, hyacinths, etc. because other flower smells remind me of the funeral home and death)
  31. Saturday afternoons
  32. Pancakes and bagels and eggs and hashbrowns and muffins and breads and...oh yeah, see #25
  33. Driving around with no particular place to go, just seeing the sights, sipping a latte and having a good conversation
  34. dusk

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