Thursday, September 27, 2007


What kind of idiot signs themselves up for a dog?? I mean if someone said to you "I have a thing that is guaranteed to cover your house with urine and feces, will chew on and probably destroy valuable items and will fill your hours with barking and whining." What fool then says "Ooh ooh! Can I pay hundreds of dollars for that?!?!"

Seriously. I don't get people who voluntarily bring a home destroying creature into the house. I mean I have little children who walk around on that floor now covered in feces with their bare feet and pick things up off said floor and put them into their mouths. Are you getting the heebie jeebies yet? Welcome to my perspective.

That fool animal just crapped on Ally's floor, right after we brought her inside no less. That's what gets me. We had her in the crate while at soccer. As soon as we arrive at home I take the dog out, forget the humans, must take care of the dog first. And while I'm wishing I could be getting on with my night by giving the kids a bath I stand there and watch the dog pee. Then we take her in and she craps on the baby's room floor. So then I start screaming at her to stop so what does she do? Runs under my bed and craps on a pair of Chris' dirty shorts. Because I don't know about you but that's where my husband keeps his dirty clothes, under the bed.

They say that animals add years to your life, but not for me. I can actually feel years being sucked out of me as I deal with the havoc the animals have caused. Like the torture device they hook Wesley up to in the Princess Bride. Someone set it pretty high tonight, maybe 5 years.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day of 3rd Grade and Pre-School

All 3 with new outfits, new shoes, new lunch boxes and Paige with a new backpack they headed off to begin a new year. Paige was fretting over her shoe choices: too small or didn’t really match. But I wasn’t buying her new white shoes in the fall to wear with one outfit and then be outgrown before Easter comes. Just like a woman to be worried about her shoes! And the 2 little ones were whining a lot. As in “What do you want for breakfast?” Reply: “NO!” then hysterical crying. But once we got out the door for picure time it all turned out ok.

They are adorable and I'm so excited, I can't wait to hear how their days went. I know in a day or so the quiet will get to me, but right now I'm enjoying the sound of the crickets and nothing else!