Friday, February 16, 2007

The Woogeyman

Well, I won't be doing any laundry today. I watched the Woogeyman episode of Charmed. Pheobe is always afraid of the basement and then she learns that her childhood story of the Woogeyman is actually real and the story that Grams used to tell to make it go away is actually a spell. Its a "shadow" of evil. And we all know my well documented fear of the basement and this house's track record with shadows and evil. Wonderful. I had a lot to get done today and now I'm going to be jumpy all day. In case you ever need it here is the spell...

I am light
I am one too strong to fight
Return to dark where shadows dwell
You cannot have this Halliwell
Go away and leave my site
And take with you this endless night.

I've kept it memorized just in case. I'm pretty sure you can substitute "dwell" and "Halliwell" with a word that rhymes with your last name.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Comic Relief

We all need a good laugh. Here are some funny Joshua stories;

1. On an episode of Blue's Clues Steve was teaching the steps to take when you get frustrated. While tucking Joshua in a few weeks ago he held up his "Blue" stuffed animal and said "This Blue is frust-er-ated" Then he proceeded to tell Blue what he should do: "Stop. S-ink (think). And put some cheese on it." I can't stop laughing even now while I type. When I asked Paige what the real steps were she said "Stop, breathe and think."

2. Then one night he caught me changing into my pajamas and was really craning his neck to get a glimpse. "You don't have a penis Mommy?" No, Joshua, I don't. "Is it at the store?" I think because we always say we have to get some more at the store when we run out of things that he just assumed mine had gone away and I needed to get a new one. Every now and then he'll ask me again to make sure I still don't have one. Almost in disbelief. I should probably reassure him that his isn't going away, I just didn't have one to start with.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something has to be done

Why is it that I can buy a bathing suit in February in Connecticut when it is all of 5 degrees outside, but if you're looking for mittens for a child you're SOL??? I mean god forbid some kid loses or outgrows mittens during a winter. But hey, want to buy something that you won't need for another 4 months? We've got it in every conceivable color and style! Grrrrr!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

How old are you really?

Chris found this site and it gives you your "real age." You go through this questionnaire (and yes, you have to register) but then it factors all these things like your general health, family history, diet, etc and tells you how old you really are. When its finished they send you an email telling you how you could be younger. For me, most of it was taking vitamins and increasing my intake of things like calcium and folic acid would fend off diseases. Chris found out that he needs to drink 1 glass of red wine a day. Ok! So anyway, my calendar age is 36.3 (36 and 3 months) but my "real age" is 38.8. I'm off by about 2 1/2 years. Which frankly I think is pretty good considering I eat like crap and never exercise. Chris' real age is like 36 so he's 2 years older too. How old are you? Find out: