Sunday, February 27, 2005

Cutest Kids in the World!

I have the two cutest kids in the world!! Check them out!

What a stud! Posted by Hello

So beautiful! Posted by Hello

Friday, February 18, 2005

Location Location Location

My sister is looking for suggestions as to where she can have her wedding. Obviously in the local CT area. She's looking for outside, perhaps this October and trying to stay away from the more mainstream banquet-hallish type places. So if any of you can think of a place to have both the ceremony and reception (at the same place but not exactly the same exact location) let me know and I'll pass it on.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Wedding Bells

My sister is engaged!! Congratulations to Sally and Steve!! We're so excited! A year after they reunited Steve proposed, with what is reported to be quite a ring! =) We wish you, and Zachary all the happiness in the world as you officially become a family.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Soccer Mom

Here are some shots of the new vehicle. I wasn't able to get a picture before took it's toll when it looked perfect, but you can imagine.

Another angle Posted by Hello

New Van Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Dislikes List

I know I'm really late in the game, and I'm sure there are lots more but here goes for now:

1. Death
2. That choking sound
3. Feeling like an orphan - by this I mean having almost no one left around me that is my family or my friends and no place I can go to feel like I'm at home away from home.

4. Grown ups who call their parents mommy and daddy (or who refer to themselves this way to their grown children)
5. People who use lingo when speaking
6. Sprite or diet soda
7. Squishy foods like cherry tomatoes
8. Getting puked on
9. Pushing a baby out
10. Rap music
11. Hearing too much base coming from someone else's car stereo when in your own car
12. People who say they're going "to prom" or going to wait "on line." It is going "to THE prom" and you wait "in a line."
13. People who act as if they know everything.
14. Getting sand stuck all over me at the beach
15. People who don't get out of your way but make you get out of their way
16. People who walk quickly up behind you and force you to move out of the way
17. When there is pee on the toilet at work. We're grown women people!
18. When people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom
19. Messed up couch cushions
20. clutter on the table or the hutch
21. Dishes in the sink when there is plenty of room in the dishwasher, a mere foot away
22. Clothes on the floor, again mere feet from the hamper
23. My skin aka feeling like a freak
24. Peer pressure
25. People who don't even try to help themselves before I saying "I can't"
26. The oversexed women on the Levitra and commercials