Saturday, November 27, 2004

Too Many Bodily Fluids

Have you ever had one of those days? A never ending cycle of vomit and baby poop? I'm stuck in that loop right now. Paige woke me up in the night to tell me she thought she was going to puke. And I grabbed the only thing that made sense, my trash can, whipped out the bag and stood there holding it and rubbing her head while the most foul smell came out of my child in solid chunks. After that was cleaned up and she was sent back to bed Joshua, who had been up hourly, peed in our bed. Then early this morning he spit up on it. At about 8 I give up hope of ever sleeping again and stomp down the stairs, baby in hand. By 9 he has puked chunks on my shoulder. And by early afternoon it's baby poop soaking through his clothes and onto my pants. WILL IT NEVER END?? I love my kids and want to help them when they're sick. Those little sad faces just seem so helpless. Or after pooping on me when I finally get Joshua to the changing table he smiles at me and the stuffed animals in the net over his head. How can I be upset. I just don't want to be covered in it but I guess that's a mom's job. I gotta go, I think I'm leaking.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

New Baby

Congratulations to friends Alicia, Chris and daughter Trinity on the birth of their second daughter, Brooke Elisabeth. She was born yesterday morning and she's a cutie! Can't wait to meet her and welcome her to the world!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Two Months Old

My little guy is two months old today. Check him out!! What a cutie!

I am a big boy now! Posted by Hello

Monday, November 22, 2004

I've been sucked in

Like my husband and friends before me I have been sucked in to the blogging craze. Let's hope it's interesting to someone! I intend to use this to write about my thoughts and my family, and mostly whatever is happening that's interesting with the kids. I'm going to use this site rather than the old one since I can do it myself and I won't have to ask Chris to post for me. I'll try to put something out here at least once a week or more if I can. And so it begins...